Johnny Dean Wilson was born this afternoon at 5:21. 7 pounds 11 ounces, 20.5 inches of perfection. He's not fussy at all, came out just babbling, not crying. He's a little champ already. Full head of dark hair and what we believe are very dark blue eyes. They have changed a lot in the past few hours. Long toes like his daddy, not stumpy like mommy. A but if a cone head from the birth, but that will go away. He still had hiccups, a daily occurrence with him in this pregnancy.
Picture posting from the iPhone app I have is limited, and Mommy and Daddy are exhausted anyway. More to come on his birth story and pictures later.
Happy Grandparents day to Johnny's grandparents and great-grandparents too!
The members of First Trinity are so very happy for both of you! I know that you will raise Johnny in the one true christian faith. It is a blessing and responsibility to be a parent and I know you are both up to the challenge. Cherish every moment for the time we have to properly raise our children is very short. Remember every toothless smile and sleepless night for it is just the beginning of your wonderful journey as parents!